Simikot-Kailash-Guge Trek - 21 Day(s)

Mt Kailash holds great value to Hindu and Buddhist people . The Kingdom of Guge Tour is a famous tour in Tibet. It founded in 868 and until the 17th century it became a focal point for the preservation of Buddhism in Tibet. After the assassination of King Lang Darma in 842 by his own brother, the Buddhism in Tibet was completely snuffed out for nearly 100 years. In 1040, a renowned Indian Pandit named Atisha arrived in Guge Kingdom and spent some times at Toling Monastery where he created a resurgence of interest in Buddhism which eventually spread all over Tibet as well as in other countries. Today, more than 300 years later, all the remains is a huge complex of caves, living quarters and temples, some of it in an excellent state of preservation, some are ruined. Here we also can visit Mt. Kailash and Lake Manasarovar via from northern route (Shiquanhe) as well as from southern route via Saga - Paryang and Manasarovar.

This trek hold great natural, cultural and religious significance which includes rigorous overland driving, trekking and camping through remote regions of western Tibet with an altitudes of 2,745m / 9,000ft and 4,880m / 16,000ft, hiking to a maximum of 5600m / 18,400ft. The tour will be more luxurious & interesting by the dedicated & quality services of a Nepalese Sherpa team. All the camping equipment will be included in the tour price. The Simikot Kailash Lhasa tour takes in the best sites & off-the-beaten-track places and includes trips that circumambulate the mountain as a pilgrimage. In this trek you can get great opportunity to explore the ancient culture, tradition and Buddhism of Tibet.

Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu, Overnight at Hotel Marsyangdi or similar.

Day 02: Kathmandu city sightseeing. Overnight at hotel moonlight or similar (B).

Visit: Pashupati Nath Temple, Boudha Nath Stupa, Swayambhu Nath Stupa and Kathmandu Durbar Square.

Day 03: Fly to Nepalgunj and transfer to your hotel. Nepalgunj is in the sub-tropical lowlands of the Terai close to the border with India. Overnight at Hotel Sneha or similar (B).

Day 04: Fly to Simikot 2960m, and begin trek to Dharapari 2250m. The flight takes 50mins and offers some fantastic views of Himalayan peaks. The landing at the tiny mountain airstrip at Simikot is an unforgettable experience. There is an initial climb above Simikot before descending towards the village of Tuling and follow a level trail through walnut and apricot trees to the village of Dharapari. Overnight at Camp. (B, L, D)

Day 05: Kermi 2682m. 6/7 hours trek. Overnight at Camp. (B, L, D)

We follow the Humla Karnali and trek through rice and wheat fields to a point where the valley narrows and the river is choked with large boulders. According to legend, these represent silver fish that swam up from the Ganges and could make it no further. Above this point rice is not grown and we trek through small fields of buckwheat and open pine woodland. Towering above the surging waters of the Humla Karnali are snow capped peaks and a series of gentle waterfalls that provide ideal shower facilities!

Day 06: Kermi - Yalbang Gompa 2950m.6/7 hours trek. Overnight at Camp. (B, L, D)

Today we cross our first pass, the Soli La (2990m), and descend to cross the Soli Khola on a sturdy suspension bridge built in 1995. Our trail climbs above the Humla Karnali to the gompa at Yalbang that makes an excellent campsite. The views are superb and the friendly monks speak excellent English.

Day 07: Yalbang Gompa - Tumkot Khola 2800m.6/7 hours trek. Overnight at Camp. (B, L, D)

The trail continues, at times close to the river, on a path that is built up with rocks and timber. We cross the Humla Karnali and climb gradually to Muchu (2920m) where there is a police checkpost. The trail passes below the gompa and stone houses of the village before gently descending to our camp by the river.

Day08: Tumkot Khola - Thado Dunga 3854m.6/7 hours trek. Overnight at Camp. (B, L, D)

After crossing the Tumkot Khola we leave the Humla Karnali behind and will meet it again in two days time. A two hour climb brings us to a ridge crest at 3310m marked by a large cairn. We continue through open juniper woodland past Palbang to the village of Yari where there is a small shop and a school. About half an hour beyond Yari there is a nice camping place in an area of small meadows known as Dzungjen. As an aid to acclimatisation we can climb one of the ridges above Dzungjen for some excellent mountain views of the Saipal Himal.

Day 09: Thado Dunga - Hilsa 3720m. Overnight at Camp. (B, L, D)

The high pass of the Nara Lagna (4580m) is reached after a 31/2 to 4 hour climb. The summit is marked by two large cairns draped with prayer flags. Below, we can look into Tibet where the arid hillsides are a stark contrast to the greenery of the Humla region we have recently trekked through. It looks a long way down to Sher where our landcruisers await. The descent is steep and loose in places as the trail crosses scree and debris slopes. We may meet traders with large herds of sheep and goats. Each animal carries saddlebags loaded with rice from the Terai which is bound for Tibet, or if travelling in the opposite direction loads of salt bound for Nepal.

Day 10: Lake Manasarovar 4558m. Overnight at Camp. (B, L, D)

We climb a short distance to Sher, a Tibetan salt trading post at 3860m that is a windswept place of government buildings where passports and daysacks will be inspected. At Sher we meet our Tibetan guide and board our landcruisers for the two hour drive to Purang, (Taklakot) at 3930m. It is a rough fantastic drive that gives a taste of what lies ahead. En route visit Khojarnath where a large red gompa of the Sakya sect of Buddhism. We continue & stop at Chiu Gompa.

Day 11: Lake Mansarovar Excursion. Overnight at Camp. (B, L, D)

Day 12: Drive to Tirthapuri afternoon explores Tirthapuri area, Overnight at Camp. (B, L, D)

Day 13: Tirthapuri-Tholing (Zanda). Overnight at Camp. (B, L, D)

Altitude: 11,972 ft, distance 170 miles, 7-8 hrs. Today, you will have a long drive along a rough road that first climbs over a high pass, zigzags down into a series of gorges and climbs up the other side before eventually making a long winding and very rough descent down a fantastically eroded gully where the hills on the both sides are worn into incredible shape. The side valley emerges into the wider Sutlez Valley and after crossing a bridge, the road finally reaches the oasis like town of Zanda .

Day 14: Excursions of the ruins Tsaparang and Tholing of Guge kingdom. Overnight at Camp. (B, L, D)

Today, you will explore the ruins of Tholing and Tsaparang monasteries. Tsaparang lies 21 km further down the Sutlez River to the west.

Day 15: Drive to Darchen, Overnight at Guest House. (B, L, D)

It is around 7-8 hours drive to Darchen, a cluster of buildings within a walled compound that marks the pilgrim's gateway to Mt KailasH.

Day 16: Dri Ra Phuk gompa 5010m, Overnight at Camp. (B, L, D)

Parikrama around Kailash begins at Tarpuche . Our way of trekking passes numerous chortens as well as the sky burial site of the 84 Mahasiddas . We will also have wonderful views of cascading creeks, streaming water falls and the mighty west face of Kailash. We will pass the Chukku Gompa and 6 hrs later arrive at the Dirapuk Gompa where we will set up camp or stay at the guest house on the basis of availability.

Day 17: Zutul Phuk gompa 4820m, Overnight at Camp. (B, L, D)

Today is the hardest but holiest day of the pilgrimage. We will cross through a rocky expanse dotted with stone cairns draped with the clothes offered by pilgrims as a spiritual sign of death. Gaurikunda is one of the holiest sites to view/ visit from the top. Further hiking brings us to the accent up to Dolma -La pass (5630m). After a nice break at the top of the pass we will head down the steep trail to our eventual campsite at Zutul-Puk Monastery (the cave of miracles where Milarepa meditated) .Total hiking for the day will be 18 km 8 hrs.

Day 18: Trek to Tangsar (Hike 10 km) and drive to Hor Qu.  Overnight at Camp. (B, L, D)

Trek to Tangsar Tangmar and drive to Manasarovar Hor a 3 hrs walk brings us to where the river emerges onto the Borkha plain. Our jeeps will be waiting to transport us to our camp at Lake Mansarovar Hor Qu side.

Day 19: Drive to Old Dongba (350 km) 10 Hrs , Overnight at Camp. (B, L, D)

Day 20: Drive to Nyalam. Overnight at Guest House. (B, L, D)

Day 21: Drive to Kathmandu. Overnight at Hotel moonlight or similar.

Day 22: Transfer to airport for final departure.

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