Upper Mustang Trek - 17 Day(s)

  • Forbidden Kingdom of Himalaya

    Forbidden Kingdom of Himalaya

The historical remote Mustang trek region is also known as the Last Forbidden Kingdom, since the region was restricted for outsiders until Nepal Government announced the opening of the restricted areas in October 1991. It lies just north of the main Himalayan range of Nepal. Mustang is a land where the soul of the man is still considered to be as real as the feet he walks on a land said to be "barren as a dead deer" but where beauty and happiness around inspite of hardship of the Tibetan Kingdom of Gungthang until 1830's. The wall city of ‘Lo Monthang’ is unofficial capital of Mustang still remains a kingdom within a kingdom. The early history to ‘Lo Monthang’ is embellished in myth and legend rather than the recorded fact. The city wall and the four storey palace in Lo-Manthang are some of the beautiful architectures of Mustang region.  Mustang has maintained its status as a separate principality until 1951. The king of ‘Lo Monthang’ still retains his title and he has been given the honorary rank of Colonel in the Nepal army.

Trekking in Mustang was officially opened in 1992. It allows limited numbers of trekkers each year in order to protect and conserve the local Tibetan tradition and the fragile environment. A trek into this fabled, big and forbidden kingdom is consists of grid valley, eroded canyons, ochre valley, yak caravans, colourful-painted mud brick houses on the back dropped of majestic mountain of Nilgiri, Tukche, Annapurna and Dhaulagiri that makes your medieval walled kingdom Mustang trekking a very especial one.

Day 01 :  Arrival at Kathmandu airport and transfer to hotel.
Day 02 : Drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara by tourist bus and overnight at hotel.
Day 03 : Fly from Pokhara to Jomsom (2713m) and trek to Kagbeni (2810m.).
Day 04 : Trek to Chele (3200m.).
Day 05 : Trek to Shyangboche (3800m.).
Day 06 : Trek to Tsarang (3650m.).
Day 07 : Trek to Lo Manthang (3760m.).
Day 08 : Excursion Day in Lo-Manthang
Day 09 : Trek to Lo Ghar Gompa (3942m).
Day 10 : Trek to Geling (3510m).
Day 11 : Trek to Samar (3700m.).
Day 12 : Trek to Muktinath (3800m.).
Day 13 : Trek to Jomsom (2713m.).
Day 14 : Jomsom fly back to Pokhara and same day fly to Kathmandu.Overnight at hotel.
Day 15 : Free day , Kathmandu.
Day 16 : Transfer to airport for departure from Nepal.

Cost Include:

  • Pick up and transfer by car from Airport-Hotel-Airport.
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner with tea/coffee during the trek.
  • Local lodges accommodation during the trek.
  • Government licensed guides, plus experienced porters ( including their food, salary, accommodation, equipment, medicine & insurance).
  • All local transportation.
  • All necessary permits and entry fees including Upper Mustang Trekking Permit.
  • All government taxes.
  • Necessary equipment (sleeping bags, down jackets, walking sticks etc. if needed
  • Our service charge.

 Cost Exclude:

  •     All expenses of personal nature
  •     Personal travel insurance
  •     Pokhara ~Jomsom~Pokhara Both way flight ticket.
  •     Pokhara~Kathmandu flight ticket
  •     Hotel, Lunch and dinner in Kathmandu & Pokhara
  •     Helicopter rescue incase needed
  •     Medicine as well as in trekking
  •     International airport taxes
  •     Tips for staff
  •     Laundry, phone calls
  •     Bar bills, Mineral water, Sweety, candy

Sonam - Our trip in October 2017 to the Upper Mustang was wonderful, thanks to your excellent guiding and care. We appreciated trekking through a most unique and stunning landscape, and staying in the village guest houses. Visiting the many monestaries and learning about them from the resident monks was very special. Riding horses on the last (and longest day) was a great opportunity (as well as helpful!). We might not have been the fastest trekkers but we enjoyed each day! Thank you for all the extra work you do to protect Nepal and to help the children. Namaste, Dorothy and your Alaska friends

Dorothy Childers

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