
Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek

Ghorepani trek is the short, colorful and relatively easy trek which takes place in the western part of Kathmandu into the Annapurna region.

07 Day(s)

USD 485

Activity: Trekking

Location: Pokhara-Nayapul-Ulleri-Ghorepani-Ghandruk



Bhote Koshi Rafting

Another popular river for rafting is Bhote Koshi originates in the Tibetan plateau from where it flows down steep gorges to Nepal in the south. Bhote Koshi river rafting offer the challenging whitewater river rafting in Nepal which one can do on short stay in Nepal.



Trisuli Rafting

Trishuli River is an excellent river for those looking for a short river trip, without the challenge of huge rapids, but with some really exciting rapids, with beautiful views.



Mt. Everest Helicopter Tour

The Everest Base Camp Helicopter tour, where you are taken to see Mt. Everest, gives you a quick look of Everest region finally allowing you to land on Everest Base Camp or Kalapathar. This Helicopter tour of Everest is so far the best Ariel tour in the world.  

1 Day(s)


Annapurna BC Heli trek

Annapurna Base Camp Heli Trekking flight departs from Pokhara Domestic Airport (domestic) and takes you towards Chhomrong Village which is located at height of 7,800 feet. Our charter Helicopter will drop you at Chhomrong Village from where you head towards the Annapurna Base Camp which takes two days trekking. 

4 Day(s)


Kathmandu City Tour

Kathmandu Valley comprises the three ancient cities of Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur, which were once independent states ruled by Malla King. The three cities house seven UNESCO World Heritage shrines which are together listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site (Culture).

3 Day(s)


Activity: Sightseeing

Location: Kathmandu-Bhaktapur

Upper Mustang Trek

The historical remote region is also known as the Last Forbidden Kingdom, since the region was restricted for outsiders until Nepal Government announced the opening of the restricted areas in October 1991.

17 Day(s)

USD 1425

Activity: Trekking

Location: Jomsom - Muktinath - Lhomanthang

Imja Tse (Island Peak)

Island Peak (6,189m), officially known as Imja Tse, is a mountain in the Khumbu (Everest) region in Nepal that's one of the most commonly climbed "trekking ...

22 Day(s)

USD 1945

Activity: Peak Climbing

Location: Lukla-Khumjung-Dingboche-EBC-Island Peak